FFL form and local FFL locator

Searchable database of FFL transfer agents

Here are some locations to find out information on who to get in touch with to purcahse a lower receiver.


From http://www.gunbroker.com/FFL/DealerNetwork.aspx

The FFL Holder Network is designed to make it easier for a buyer to get in touch with a local FFL holder in his local area that is willing to manage the transfer of the buyer's firearms purchase.  The FFL holder will typically charge a nominal fee for providing this service.   In addition to the fees listed, the FFL holder may be required by law to collect sales tax, background check fees, or other transfer-related fees. 


The GunsAmerica FFL and Transfer Network is a searchable database of FFL transfer agents and gunsmiths available to service your firearms needs.


FFL transfer information:

For NON-FFL Holders:

All transfers of registered items MUST, by federal law, be transferred through a licensed FFL dealer. They will need the Email/Fax cover sheet to send to us with their license so we can send them your item(s). You are encouraged to assist your dealer by helping with the form. Please call your dealer and between the two of you figure out the best way to get this done.

  • You can fill out as much as you can on the computer and then save and email the file to your dealer so they can finish it and send it in to us.
  • You can fill out as much as you can and print it out and hand carry it to your dealer so they can finish it and send it in to us.
  • You can email them the link to this page.
  • You can simply give them the address to this page over the phone and let them do everything.
  • In any case, please make sure your dealer has your personal contact information as needed to fill out the form for you.